Everything you have ever wanted to know about compost but were afraid to ask
Compost at home:
Recycle in your own back yard!
You'll never need to buy expensive fertilizers again because you can make nature's best complete fertilizer at home from your own leaves, grass clippings and kitchen scraps. Compost is the end product of a biological process that turns fresh leaves, grass cuttings and kitchen scraps into a dark, nutrient-rich and odorless soil conditioner. It is the best and least expensive way to improve your lawn, vegetable and flower gardens, fruit and ornamental trees and potting soil for houseplants. Don't throw away materials that can save you money and make yours a greener, more lush landscape.
Too Busy to Compost?
Leaves and grass clippings have other uses around the home, so please don't throw them away.
Mulch: Use at least 3" of leaves or grass clippings around vegetable and flower gardens, foundation plantings, shrubs and trees. This will reduce soil temperature and reduce the amount of watering necessary, again saving you money.
Slow Compost: By merely piling leaves and or grass in a large pile (4' x 4' x 4' minimum) you will have a composted mulch in approximately one year. This gives you the benefits of compost with less work.
Share: Give leaves and grass clippings to a neighbor or Community Gardens.
How Compost Helps the Environment
- Saves municipal landfill space.
- Reduces need for fertilizers and plastic bags, both petroleum-based products.
- Replenishes and maintains the tilth and general condition of soil, even after many years of use.
- Makes your landscape greener and more productive.
How Compost Saves You Money
- Eliminates buying expensive fertilizers.
- Reduces watering in the garden and landscape.
- Eliminates buying expensive plastic bags.
- Eliminates buying peat moss.
For more information, please visit: www.epa.gov.

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