Please give a shout out to our unsung Heroes picking up your garbage. When you see Sani 2's Strongest this week give them a thumbs up and a distant thank you.
Sanitary District 2 workers, 70 strong have not missed a beat during this crisis. They have been out there every day making sure the garbage is picked up so additional health concerns do not arise from garbage staying at the curb or by your house.
As a Sanitation Commissioner I can not say enough about their dedication and efforts. They truly care about Baldwin, Roosevelt and South Hempstead. Even battling short manpower they remain on the job until it's done. I watched them in awe during Sandy and once again during this Covid -19 attack on our planet. They are the very best, "Sani 2 Working for You".

2007-2025 Sanitary District No. 2, Town of Hempstead. All rights reserved.
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2080/2090 Grand Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510 | Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m