
Please separate newspapers, cans and glass from your garbage and place them out for collection in your blue recycling bin on your recycling designated day. Do not mix newsprint with glass/bottles, please keep separated within your recycling bin.
- One (1) day per week
- Cans - Aluminum, Steel, and Tin
- Cardboard - Break down and bundle next to recycling bin
- Clear & Colored Glass
- Plastics having the following symbol on the container:

- Newspapers & Magazines (Bundled & Tied or Placed in Paper Bag)
- Please DO NOT use Plastic Bags for Recycling
- Please rinse all food from Cans, Bottles, and Jars
- #3 THROUGH #7 Plastics
- Plastic Bags
- Pizza Boxes
- Styrofoam
- Straws
- Aluminum Foil
- Plastic & Metal Cutlery
- Wire & Plastic Hangers
- Batteries
- Plastic Chairs & Toys
- Lightbulbs
- Mirrors
- Broken Glass
- Ceramic & Clay Items
- Paint, Pesticides, or other Chemical Containers
If we return your recycling bin to you with any remaining materials, these items should be discarded in your regular refuse. Do NOT use garbage cans or plastic bags for recyclables.
For further information regarding recycling, please visit the NYS DEC Recycle and Composting webpage. They have articles and links to many websites and teaching materials. WWW.DEC.NY.GOV/CHEMICAL/294.HTML
To read the Recycling Ordinance, click here.

  2007-2025 Sanitary District No. 2, Town of Hempstead. All rights reserved.
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2080/2090 Grand Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510 | Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m